Massimo Pisani

Supera la crisi personale velocemente

Massimo Pisani

Supera la crisi personale velocemente

Seduzione in 10 mosse.

2018-11-13 13:04:21

Vi riporto a questo link: , che tratta l'articolo intervista al Dott. Marco Pacori, dal quale ho avuto il privilegio di ricevere la sua prefazione al mio ultimo Libro "Manuale di Seduzione - Parti da te stesso e trova l'Amore". Buona lettura

by Massimo Pisani
Massimo Pisani

Supera la crisi personale velocemente

Recensione agli Ebook che avete ricevuto.

2018-11-13 11:56:07

Più di 100 di voi hanno richiesto e ricevuto 1 dei miei Ebook in foto, ancora in vendita su Amazon. Fornire una recensione non è un semplice dire la propria. E' un aiuto per l'autore di un'opera. Se farete una recensione negativa ma motivata sarà utile per correggere il tiro e non sbagliare altro, se invece è positiva darete all'autore un plus per continuare a fare il suo lavoro, farlo crescere e conoscere. Scrivere le recensioni non costa niente a voi, ma cambia tanto agli altri che, anche per curiosità, approdano a quei libri. Qui di seguito, vi fornisco il link per recensire la copia che avete ricevuto e letto. Grazie:

by Massimo Pisani
Massimo Pisani

Supera la crisi personale velocemente

Parental Motivation

2018-11-12 11:34:31

Responding to unusual behaviour - Low motivation - How can I help with low motivation? When your relative is unwell, they might feel as though they have no energy or motivation to do the things they used to do. This is common in people with depression and schizophrenia. You may feel frustrated that your relative will not do things to make their situation better.First of all, you might want to check whether your relative feels tired. This can be a common side effect of medication. A doctor might be able to suggest some options to help with feeling tired. Sometimes, your relative’s low motivation can affect your own motivation. Make sure you take time to do activities you enjoy.How can I help someone with low motivation? 1)Acceptance: accept that this may be a part of your relative’s illness, at least for now, and try not to put too much pressure on them. 2) Encouragement: try to include your relative in daily activities such as shopping or housework. Be careful not to put them under too much pressure to do these things. You might find that it helps just to ask them whether they would like to help. If they say no, try not to: a)get upset; b)accuse them of being lazy; c)ask them at different times on the same day. When you ask them next time, they may say ‘yes’. 3) Organise regular activities: if your relative gets into a habit of taking part in a certain activity regularly, they may start to enjoy it. You could suggest activities your relative used to enjoy. Or you could explore new activities. This could include going for a walk, joining a group or club or doing hobbies. 4)Focus on the future and not the past. your relative may have lost interest in life because they see that things have changed. Reminding your relative of how they used to be may add to this feeling. Instead, talk about things they can do now. 5)Take small steps: your relative may want their life to improve but may not feel it is possible. Work with your relative to break down goals into small steps. Progress may be slow but reassure and encourage them by noting and praising each small success made.

by Massimo Pisani
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